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K80 112042 0001-166-286, C501 7/19/2024
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Question List
Subject: r13 Plan Sheets - 4 ea Type: Plan
Question Date: 7/18/2024 11:19:30 AM
July 18 addendum references update to 5 plan sheets, only one is available on Project Wise at this time (the Data Sheet 01C). Will the remaining revised sheets be available before the letting next week?  
Answer   Date: 7/18/2024 1:32:50 PM
The revised files are now available for the contractors to view. The merged plans were revised as well.  
Subject: Utility Conflicts Type: Other
Question Date: 7/17/2024 8:47:17 AM
In the event of a conflict discovery of an existing utility with a proposed element of the new work, during excavation, will the Department compensate the Contractor for any delays and/or costs associated with adjustments as necessary?  
Answer   Date: 7/18/2024 4:08:29 PM
Specification 105.08 details the responsibilities of the Department and Contractor related to the identification and coordination of utilities during construction.  
Subject: Median Demo Type: Proposal
Question Date: 7/16/2024 2:40:52 PM
On Sheet 2A in the median area that is shown to be demolished, what material and under what biditem will the replacement material be paid?  
Answer   Date: 7/22/2024 10:42:59 AM
The material to be placed in this area will be paid for as Regular Excavation (or Borrow Excavation) and Topsoil Class B  
Subject: Maintenance of Traffic Phasing Type: Plan
Question Date: 7/16/2024 2:37:55 PM
During Phase I, II, or III MOT is it allowable to reduce Southbound/Northbound Traffic to a single lane outside of the allowable lane closure time restrictions shown on sheet 1F(1) ?  
Answer   Date: 7/17/2024 8:06:53 AM
The intent is that lane closures (reduction to a single lane NB or SB) are only allowed during the times shown on Sheet 1f(1).  
Subject: 1", 1.5" and 2" Water Services Type: Plan
Question Date: 7/15/2024 3:53:24 PM
The footages of Water services on the plan summary sheet (11(1)) do not match the descriptions located on 11(3) Through 11(6). The plan sheets show different sizes than the summary sheet and proposal. Will the plans be modified to match the summary sheet and proposal or will the plan sheets override the estimated quantities of these items?  
Answer   Date: 7/18/2024 4:14:14 PM
The plan sheets have been updated to match the summary sheet and proposal via addendum.  
Subject: Utility RFID Marker Balls and Pegs Type: Specifications
Question Date: 7/12/2024 11:19:34 AM
Section 812 of the Specifications requires Utility RFID Marker Balls and Pegs to be installed for VDOT owned ITS conduit. Since this conduit will be owned by the Town of Ashland, are Utility RFID Marker Balls and Pegs required to be installed?  
Answer   Date: 7/12/2024 1:07:02 PM
RFID Marker Balls and Pegs shall be installed in accordance with R&B Specs., Section 812.  
Subject: Existing signs being demo'd - relocate / replace? Type: Plan
Question Date: 7/12/2024 9:48:40 AM
Do signs and light poles being demo'd need to be relocated or replaced by the contractor?  
Answer   Date: 7/12/2024 1:44:08 PM
Items with a D# can be demolished/removed, replaced or relocated however as described in the plans. A D# being demolished/removed will be disposed of by the contractor.  
Subject: Bid Items 0050 & 0060 for Bedding Material Aggregate No. 57, and No. 25 or 26 Type: Specifications
Question Date: 6/25/2024 9:59:04 AM
We noticed the bid quantity for Bedding Material Aggregate No. 57, and No. 25 or 26, matches the tonnage shown in the Drainage Summaries for backfilling pipe undercuts. Is the intent of the Department to only pay for the bedding stone #57 and #25 or 26 which is used to backfill pipe undercuts, and not all bedding material required? The way 10-24-23 (SPCN) reads on page 4 of the Contract, it could be interpreted that ALL bedding material will be paid for by the ton.  
Answer   Date: 7/2/2024 7:59:35 AM
The intent is that the quantity for Bedding Material Aggregate No. 57, and No. 25 or 26 shown in the Drainage Summaries are for backfilling pipe undercuts. This material would be in addition to the bedding and backfill material (PB-1) that is included in the cost of the pipe per Spec. 302.04.  
Question Date: 6/25/2024 9:59:02 AM
We noticed the bid quantity for Bedding Material Aggregate No. 57, and No. 25 or 26, matches the tonnage shown in the Drainage Summaries for backfilling pipe undercuts. Is the intent of the Department to only pay for the bedding stone #57 and #25 or 26 which is used to backfill pipe undercuts, and not all bedding material required? The way 10-24-23 (SPCN) reads on page 4 of the Contract, it could be interpreted that ALL bedding material will be paid for by the ton.  
Answer   Date: 6/26/2024 9:47:27 AM
The intent is that the quantity for Bedding Material Aggregate No. 57, and No. 25 or 26 shown in the Drainage Summaries are for backfilling pipe undercuts. This material would be in addition to the bedding and backfill material (PB-1) that is included in the cost of the pipe per Spec. 302.04.  
Subject: Pipe Trench Pavement Patches Type: Other
Question Date: 6/19/2024 10:43:13 AM
When patching pipe trenches cut through existing combination concrete and asphalt pavement, does the Contractor have to put back concrete and asphalt, or can it be full depth asphalt?  
Answer   1 previous answer(s) Date: 6/24/2024 12:18:38 PM
At pipe trench cuts along US 1, the remaining backfill beneath the Sheet 2A - Inset A pavement section (excluding UD-4) shall be in accordance with VDOT Standard PB-1 and corresponding Specifications.  
Question Date: 6/24/2024 9:36:52 AM
Will the entire trench need to be backfilled with stone to the top of the trench for both Water and Storm Sewer piping which is installed through Existing Pavement? Will the entire trench need to be backfilled to the top of the trench with stone for both Water and Storm Sewer piping installed under Proposed Pavement?  
Answer   Date: 7/16/2024 2:17:09 PM
Installation of Pipe Culverts and Storm Sewers shall be in accordance with Standard PB-1.  
Subject: Existing water main branches, elevations unknown Type: Plan
Question Date: 6/19/2024 7:27:09 AM
At the points that the new 16" water main cross the existing 8" branches, the elevations are listed as unknown. In the event that the new 16" water main planned elevation puts it in direct conflict with an existing 8" branch, are we to offset the new 16" main to avoid the existing branch or offset the existing branch to install the 16" main at planned elevation. Or, are these branches backfed from another watermain and can be cut, capped, and removed without affecting service? How would this additional work be paid?  
Answer   Date: 6/20/2024 12:38:58 PM
The proposed 16” main if in conflict with the existing 8” branches, 16” water main elevation should be adjusted to avoid conflict. No additional compensation for adjusting elevation.  

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