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L39 (CII) 121173 0264-122-491, B660, B661, C501 11/15/2024
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Subject: Rack & Pinion Replacement Access Type: Plan
Question Date: 9/23/2024 4:33:29 PM
The machinery drawings call for replacement of the rack and pinions for the bascules. Based review of the existing drawings and the site visit, it appears access beyond what is provided for in the structural drawings may be required to facilitate the replacement of these components. Were any additional access provisions contemplated during the design phase of the project. Will the contractor be allowed to modify the existing bridge and restore to existing condition as needed to provide access to this work?  
Answer   Date: 9/24/2024 1:14:54 PM
Based on field evaluations during design, rack and pinion replacement was not anticipated to require modifications to the existing structure with the exception of removal and replacement of the rack and pinion covers as noted in the Mechanical Work Special Provision. However, modifications may be allowed to provide greater flexibility in rigging and installation during the replacement of these items. The Contractor shall include any modifications deemed necessary to facilitate this work in their removal/installation plans and procedures which shall be submitted for review and approval. Any modifications to the existing structure in the performance of this work shall be restored to the existing condition or better.  
Subject: Temp Operating System Support Details Type: Plan
Question Date: 9/20/2024 8:06:03 AM
The notes on Sheet T5 state, ".Typical long slotted holes for 1" bolts are to be used only the bottom flange of the W14x159 cylinder support beam. After alignment is completed, the slotted holes shall be filled with a high strength, non-shrink grout." The drawing indicates the lower cylinder support beam is a W12 x 120. Please clarify the beam size. Separately, Detail A on Sheet T5 does not appear to detail dimensions for slotted holes on the bottom flange of the lower cylinder support beam. Please clarify. The Notes on Sheet T11 state, "Typical long slotted holes for 1" bolts are only to be used in the 1" masonry plate. After alignment is completed, the slotted holes shall be filled with a high Strength Non-Shrink Grout." Please clarify whether this applies to the bottom flange connection of the lower cylinder support beam and provide dimensions of the slotted holes.  
Answer   Date: 9/20/2024 4:17:11 PM
The note in question on T5 should read “Typical long slotted holes for 1” bolts are to be used only on the bottom flange of the W12x120 cylinder support beam”. The W12x120 is the correct cylinder support beam to be used, the W14x159 is not. The actual dimensions of the long slotted holes were not dimensioned since it was specified that they shall be typical long slotted holes for a 1” bolt. The long slot dimensions listed in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Code (1.125” x 2.50”) shall be used in the shop drawing details. In Detail A on T11, the slotted holes are in the 1” masonry plate, not the bottom flange of the cylinder support beam. The note in question on T11 is referring to the long slotted holes in the 1” masonry plate. The actual dimensions of the long slotted holes were not dimensioned since it was specified that they shall be typical long slotted holes for a 1” bolt. The long slot dimensions listed in the AASTHO LRFD Bridge Code (1.125” x 2.50”) shall be used in the shop drawing details. A plan revision will be forthcoming.  
Subject: Bridge Operator Prevailing Wage Type: Other
Question Date: 9/19/2024 2:42:05 PM
Regarding pay item 512SX20-0035 Maintenance Movable Bridger Operator, do state wage determinations (Davis Bacon Act) apply to the related Contractor Personnel? If so, please clarify the particular craft classification that pertains to this position.  
Answer   Date: 9/19/2024 3:00:30 PM
Please see the Special Provision for Prevailing Wage rates, section 107.13(a)1.  
Subject: Temporary Operating System Type: Plan
Question Date: 9/19/2024 2:26:19 PM
Detail A on Sheet T11 shows a 5/16" shop weld between the masonry plate and the Temporary Cylinder Support Beam. Please confirm this is intended to be a shop weld.  
Answer   Date: 9/20/2024 9:51:43 AM
The weld referred to in Detail A on T11 is intended to be a shop weld as shown. That said, H&H has no objections to a field weld being performed at this specific location in lieu of a shop weld.  
Question Date: 9/19/2024 11:57:47 AM
Detail B on Sheet T5 indicates there may be a stud projecting out of the inboard anchor plates for the temporary Hydraulic cylinder support beams. There does not seem to be a note defining what this is or the dimensions, please clarify. Detail B on sheet T12 does not show this stud, please clarify whether or not the inboard anchor plates receive a stud for bolting the Hydraulic Cylinder Support Beam Masonry Plates to the inboard anchor plates. Please also clarify whether these holes are to be grouted after bolt-up to the masonry plate.  
Answer   Date: 9/19/2024 2:25:02 PM
The Studs that are being referred to in Detail B on Sheet T5 are the 1” Diameter Anchors that are to be cored through the bascule pier front wall. A total of 8 Anchors per support beam are required as shown for the Westbound Bridges. The Dimensions for these anchors are shown in Detail B on the right side of the detail. Dimensions shown are from the CL of the Support Beam. On Detail B on Sheet T12, the outline of the 1” Anchors are not shown due to the various connections being detailed. A total of 12 Anchors per support beam are required as shown for the Eastbound Bridges. The cored holes for the 1” anchors are not to be grouted during initial installation and when the Temporary Operating System is in use. The cored holes through the bascule pier front wall shall be grouted once the Temporary Operating System is removed and relocated to the next Bascule Leaf.  
Subject: Anadromous Fish TOYR Type: Specifications
Question Date: 9/19/2024 11:56:04 AM
In specification section General Bridge Operation, the Anadromous Fish Restrictions state that "At no time between February 15 to June 15 to June 30...". Please clarify if the intended end date is June 15 or June 30.  
Answer   Date: 9/19/2024 3:03:53 PM
There is NO TOYR for Atlantic Sturgeon nor Anadromous Fish; the only TOYR is for falcon nesting. An addendum will be forthcoming to address this correction. Thank you.  
Subject: Millwright Prevailing Wage Rate Type: Specifications
Question Date: 9/19/2024 11:55:28 AM
The prevailing wage rates in the specifications do not contain a wage rate for a millwright. Can the Department please provide this rate?  
Answer   Date: 9/19/2024 2:58:09 PM
Please see the Special Provision for Prevailing Wage rates, section 107.13(a)1.  
Subject: Federal Funding / Buy America Requirements Type: Other
Question Date: 9/19/2024 10:57:50 AM
Does this project have federal funding? If so, is it subject to Buy America(n), or Build America Buy America requirements?  
Answer   Date: 9/19/2024 11:28:36 AM
This project is state funded and is therefore not subject to federal requirements.  
Subject: Bridge Operating Logs Type: Other
Question Date: 9/19/2024 10:45:29 AM
Please provide Bridge Operating Logs from the last two years.  
Answer   Date: 9/24/2024 12:50:36 PM
Bridge Operating Logs have been posted.  
Subject: Mechanical Work Measurement and Payment Type: Specifications
Question Date: 9/19/2024 10:44:20 AM
In reference to the specification for Mechanical Work Measurement and Payment, would the Department consider allowing payment for material on hand at the fabricator's facility (similar to Standard Specification Section 109.09) for the span drive machinery milestone "Components on Site"?  
Answer   Date: 9/19/2024 1:17:43 PM
Payment for materials on hand at the fabricators facility will be acceptable for all materials that have been inspected, tested and accepted in accordance with the project specifications. Storage and Inventory requirements shall be in accordance with the special provisions and R&B specifications Section 109.09. Any defects due to fabrication, testing, storage, shipping and handling or other discovered upon arrival on site shall be corrected at no cost to the Department.  
Subject: Where do I find the planholders list. CII's have been submitted by us. I do not see it on the Bentley site. Type: Other
Question Date: 9/12/2024 12:12:38 PM
Answer   1 previous answer(s) Date: 9/19/2024 2:47:11 PM
The Plan Holders List has been run. Please advise if you cannot see it. Thank you.  

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